Music and Memories Blog

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Best Love Song Lyrics: Classic Lyrics to Older Music

The best love song lyrics are found in the classic oldies. Love music from the 40s and 50s are probably the premier songs from which to pluck examples...

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Priceless Life Advice From a WW II Veteran

What priceless life advice have you read lately? As a nearly 99 year old WW II Veteran, I believe I've seen enough of life to be able to share with you what....

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Flying Trapeze: Burl Ives' Version of the Classic Song

burl ives

The Man on the Flying Trapeze is a famous English folk song. These verses by Burl Ives will tickle your fancy!

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Oldies Music Lyrics: Bill Bailey, Ain't She Sweet?

Oldies music lyrics have an innocent charm about them - proof positive that lyrics don't have to be edgy to be ever-popular. Great top oldies lyrics here....

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Kate Smith God Bless America

Kate Smith God Bless America is one of the best well-known patriotic songs of all time.... listen to her classic rendition right here!

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Independence Day Song: One of the Greatest!

What's the best Independence Day Song? Of course, I'm opinionated, but this rendition of the USA National Anthem is absolutely spine-tingling.....

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Father Daughter Songs: Unforgettable!

One of the most classic father daughter songs is this unforgettable performance by Natalie King Cole and her father...

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Cinco De Mayo Music: A Celebration of Hispanic Music

Cinco De Mayo music celebrates a rich hispanic heritage for a culture steeped in a Latin beat and rhythm...

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Troubadours: American Folk Singers

Troubadours is a title given to traveling musicians in the New World of America, playing and popularizing catchy tunes from vairious countries of origin.

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Scottish Folk Music: Songs and Tradition

Scottish folk music is known for its bagpipe accompaniment. Other Scottish folk music instruments include...

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